Approved locks

L’Ortye Yacht Insurance asks all of our customers to use an approved lock, to secure the dinghy or the outboard motor for instance, and thus to optimize theft-prevention. We have listed a total of 7 different locks. These are all a part of our approved locks and subsequently a good choice to prevent the theft of your boat. To see if your lock is approved for the insurance, check our summary below.

Full list of locks

Types of locks

  1. Chain lock
  2. Cable lock
  3. Loop Chain lock
  4. Outboard motor lock
  5. Drawbar lock
  6. Wheel clamp

1: Chain lock 1:

Stazo Security Lock Excellent Plus
2.5m + Stazo lock
(RPP €95,-)

2: Chain lock 2:

Stazo welding chain 20/250
(RPP €70,-)

3. Loop Chain 1:

Double Lock Loopchain 200
(RPP €175,-)

4. Outboard motor lock for outboard engines with clamping screw
Double Lock Loopchain 200:

Double Lock Outboard Lock Long
(RPP €80,-)

5. Outboard motor lock with bolt-attachment (applicable to bigger outboard motors and Z-drives):

Double Lock Outboard Lock
(RPP €70,-)

Extra example outboard motor lock:

Stazo Outboard Motor Lock SMC
(RPP €99,-)

6. Drawbar lock:

Double Lock Drawbar Lock Concor
(RPP €80,-)

7. Wheel Clamp

Double Lock Wheel Clamp Buffalo Red
(RPP €120,-)